

5分钟阅读 | 2022年10月10日
Online container tracking is an efficient way for the many parties involved in the movement of goods to stay informed. 然而, 在线集装箱跟踪依赖于可靠的数据, 所有需要它的人都可以无缝地访问和交换. 没有 数字标准 providing a common language and framework for information exchange, 航运合作伙伴可能很难做到 跟踪和追踪 使用各种数字平台发货.  当前航运跟踪方法的挑战是什么?集装箱运输业务是复杂的,涉及许多利益相关者. The smooth running of supply chains depends on timely, accurate information exchange. 没有它, 端口可能变得拥塞, fleets can find themselves out of position and goods can be held up in the system. This potential disruption is mitigated through planning and operational processes. 然而, manual processes and unstandardised data still dominate container shipping’s operations and that hampers effective information exchange. 毕马威(KPMG)预测 这些组织将需要关注“采矿相关”, clean and well-governed data” to get the most from technology investments in 2024. 事实上, 它接着说, “数据可用性, 质量, 节奏, 和一致性——现在是关键的考虑因素.”这是可以理解的, supply chain partners are turning to prediction and detection technologies, 包括那些由人工智能驱动的, 支持 跟踪和追踪,计划和运营执行. 技术, 以及整个过程的数字化, 真的是集装箱运输未来的核心吗, but layering 解决方案 onto a foundation of unstandardised data can only improve matters so far.  没有 标准, 只有在相同平台上的合作伙伴, 设置为彼此通信, 可以交换数字信息.  Organisations involved in container shipping manage many relationships - they don’t want to implement multiple platforms. 这样做是昂贵的,需要相当长的时间. 我们如何克服这些挑战? 数字化, together with the implementation of 标准 for information exchange, 能否简化和加快集装箱运输流程, 包括那些跟踪集装箱的人. Open-source 标准 can provide a common data language and process frameworks to help the industry move towards seamless information exchange. Then, supply chain partners can exchange data regardless of the technology platforms they each use. 正是这种互操作性将加速进步. Container tracking online becomes simpler and more attainable when partners can set up communication pathways quickly and access the data they need, 当他们需要的时候. 基于应用程序编程接口(API)的标准 以在线集装箱跟踪为例. 他们装备托运人, 例如, 动态查询运营商系统, 或者订阅接收状态更新. 这种方式, 发货人 needn’t wait for carriers to notify them if something happens, 比如延误会影响他们的发货. Then,y can work to mitigate the impact such an event will have.   What are the advantages of moving to a digital and online container tracking system?普遍获得准确的, real-time data helps the entire container shipping industry become more agile, resilient to change and responsive to customer demand and market forces.The complex interactions that keep international trade moving depend on information exchange and when this is difficult, 慢的或低质量的, 体验很差,供应链可能效率低下.让我们考虑一下集装箱的旅程. 它从视野中消失,直到到达某些点. It is difficult for the cargo owner to 跟踪和追踪 their shipment because transport chains often appear as ‘black boxes’.基于标准的数字信息交换 enables container tracking online because data is sent and received machine-to-machine in a way that everyone can understand and use. 这样,托运人和其他供应链参与者 获得可见性 into a container’s whereabouts and its status throughout its journey. 数字化的挑战数字化, 以及可互操作的数字化, is a significant operational and mindset shift for all parties involved in container shipping. 意志常常在那里, but it requires a collaborative effort because so many links in the chain need to make the change.供应链合作伙伴必须找到一种减轻技术负担的方法, 平台和互操作性问题. These concerns  can include a lack of understanding about security and technology aspects, 平台选择或成本.Organisations may be hesitant to move forward with online container tracking because they do not want to ‘choose wrong’ on 跟踪和追踪 解决方案. 托运人可能会求助于承运人, 而承运人则指望托运人, to make the first move so that all parties align on a digital way forward. It is only through collaboration that effective digital processes will streamline container shipping operations. 我们需要做些什么来实现这个目标?永利皇宫app下载注册开发数字标准来解决技术问题, 平台和互操作性问题, so that industry players can move forward with confidence when they digitise.当数据协调一致时 航运术语, 过程和定义, 货物信息可以不受阻碍地传播,以提高能见度, 明智的决策和提高业务绩效.永利皇宫app下载注册与运营商合作, 发货人, associations and other stakeholders to establish a foundation for seamless, 集装箱运输中的端到端信息交换. 永利皇宫app下载注册的标准 enable a common technology foundation to make shipping services easy to use, 灵活的, 高效可靠.对于货物能见度,永利皇宫app下载注册发布 跟踪和追溯标准. 这些包含一组通用的过程, 以及数据和接口标准, 这航空公司, 发货人 and third parties can implement to enable shipment tracking so that supply chain participants can communicate digitally, 以统一的方式.与永利皇宫app下载注册的所有标准一样, 跟踪和跟踪与解决方案无关, 因此是可互操作的, to equip supply chain partners with information on cargo transportation, 不管他们使用什么技术和系统.这些标准与 UN / CEFACT (United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business) 标准 and support all identified events when data is exchanged across five general shipment phases:
  • 装船前的
  • Pre-ocean
  • 海洋
  • Post-ocean
  • 后装船.
 Stakeholders using the 标准 can know how cargo is moving through the supply chain and be notified if any issues occur. 以这种方式, 标准 simplify shipment visibility for 发货人 across multiple carriers, 因此,他们可以更好地计划和优化货物处理活动. 为航空公司, 标准 unify 跟踪和追踪 information sharing with other parties for accurate and efficient communication, 无论底层技术或平台如何. 你能做什么??集装箱在线跟踪,作为更广泛的一部分 数字化举措,可以实现更高效的操作和更好的用户体验. To achieve this, supply chain partners must work together, and you can help:了解永利皇宫app下载注册的数字标准-数字航运标准  establish common definitions and frameworks for digitalising data and common protocols for communicating it. 有一些标准 跟踪和追踪 to enable container tracking online, as well as many other container shipping processes and events.要积极主动 与客户讨论数字标准的采用, suppliers and partners to further the collaborative effort for digitalisation in the industry.了解更多- 探索货柜航运数码化 资源页面 以及一系列主题的电子书,如 集装箱航运的未来中断的影响,以及如何 创建可见性可以提高数据的可靠性.与我们取得联系 with your questions on 数字标准 and container shipping digitalisation.



迪克·德克斯(迪克Dekkers)是永利皇宫app下载注册的数字身份主管, where he applies his extensive digital identity 解决方案 expertise. 自2009年以来, Dekkers has been integral to the development of identity verification products, 数字签名, 以及行业标准的创建. 他与政府的合作工作, 监管机构, and trade organisations has contributed significantly to 标准 and interoperability within this sector.